Friday, 6 May 2016

Mother's Day History


The exact origin of Mother's Day dated way back the age of Romans and Greek. But the origins of Mother's Day history also can be monitored in UK where a Mothering Sunday was observed considerably before the holiday saw the light of the day in the US. The party of the festival as it's seen now is a recent phenomenon rather than even a hundred years old. As a consequence of the effort of the pioneering girls named Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis. Now the holiday of Moms day is observed across 46 states (though on different dates) and is a massively popular occasion. A lot of people around the globe take the day as an opportunity to honor their mothers, thank them for their never ending efforts raising them and being there for their continuous support.
First History of Mothers Day

The first history of Mothers Day celebration dates back to the historical annual spring festival of the Greeks dedicated to maternal goddesses of Greek Mythology. The Greeks used the occasion to honor the mother of many gods and goddesses of Greek mythology, wife of God Cronus and Goddess Rhea.
Early Romans, additionally, celebrate Hilaria dedicated to Cybele, a mother goddess, among the springtime festivals that are Romans. The festival in honor of Cybele started some 250 years before Christ was born. The party started on the Ides of March which Romans making offerings the celebration continued for sequential three days and the said celebration includes games, parades, and parties. The parties were notorious that followers of Cybele were dismissed from Rome.

Mother's Day was observing during the holiday on the fourth Sunday of Lent in honor of the Mother of Christ, Virgin Mary by Early Christians. Meanwhile in England, the vacation was enlarged to include all mothers. It was later called "Mothering Sunday".

During the 1600s in England was noticed as the newest history of Mothers Day celebration. Mothering Sunday has observed annual on every 4th Sunday of Lent Season (40 day period earlier Easter) to honor mothers. After a prayer service in church to respect Virgin Mary, kids brought flowers and presents to pay tribute with their own moms.

On the function, apprentices, servants and other workers staying far from their houses were inspired by their businesses to see their mothers and honor them. Traditionally kids brought their presents and a cake with fruits also known as simnel a fruit-filled pastry. Individuals and Yugoslavs in other states have observed similar days.

The custom of observing Mothering Sunday died out almost entirely by the 19th century. On the other hand, the day appeared to be observed after the World War II, when American servicemen brought the custom and business/commercial businesses used it as an event for sales back.

Present Day 

Now Mothers Day is observed in several countries including Belgium, Australia, UK, India, Denmark, Italy, Finland, Turkey, Mexico, Canada, China, US and Japan. Folks take the day as a chance thank them for all their love and support and to pay regard with their own mothers. The day is now incredibly popular and in several states. There's also a custom of gifting cards, flowers, and others present to mothers on the Mothers Day. The holiday is getting commercialized to a fantastic degree. Card makers, florists, and current sellers find tremendous business potential in the day and make a great amount of money through an extensive advertising marketing campaign.
It is unfortunate to remark Ms. Anna Jarvis, who dedicated her entire life for the declaration of Mothers Day celebration was significantly hurt to see the great commercialisation of the day.

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